1000 Introduction Robotics
An introduction to the technology that deals with the science, electronics, design and programming robots. Such technology includes math like algebra, trignometry, calculus and matrices.
August 13, 2024
1001 Joystick Algorithm
The joystick or thumbstick is a control stick often called an analog stick It is an input device to control two-dimensional input. While a joystick relies on electrical connections that indicates movement in the up, down, left and right directions, the joysticks use continuous electrical current running through two potentiometers to measure the exact positions of the stick within its full ranges of motion.
August 13, 2024
1002 Uno Cheat Sheet
Arduino Uno GPIO pins layout and the Atmega328P MCU connections...
August 13, 2024
1003 L298N Motor Driver
The L298N is a dual full-bridge motor driver designed to work with microcontrollers like Uno. Finally updated schematic correction...
August 13, 2024
1005 Study of Quaternions
The study is focused on the math and properties of quaternions. A simple analogy to quaternions is trignometry.
December 7, 2022
1009 L298N Suplemental
The L298N suplement discusses the physical wiring among the devices and the many possiblilties it could go wrong. Finally, I believe the overall testing is complete. There are 16 L298N input combinations when observing the motors movements. The update has been a long time coming...
August 20, 2024
1013 SMBus-I2C Study
Raspberry Pi is one of those developing technologies that uses the so-called hybrid SMBus-I2C, a device communication technology. The external SMBus works on the Atmega328P chip, the brains of the Arduino Uno, but the Atmega328P uses only the byte-oriented 2-wire serial interface (Phillips I2C compatible) protocol. The SMBus-I2C can serve as the Host, Master or Slave on devices where Host is a special master. The Raspberry Pi serves as a SMBus-I2C Host.
October 3, 2024
1013 SMBus-I2C Supplemental
The technology confusing as it might be especially when searching the internet until studying Michael Kerrisk's text. Updated...
December 21, 2024
1013 SMBus-I2C Time
To achieve a similar functionality as the Arduino "millis()" function, use the clock_gettime system call with the CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW clock identifier, effectively providing a high-resolution monotonic timer that is not affected by system time adjustments...
December 9, 2024
1018 Wireless Communication - Study nRF24L01+
The study of the MakerFocus NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless RF Transceiver Module develops the next step that brings wireless communication to the moble robot. The VS Code extension PlatformIO imports the Arduino Reference Libraries RadioHead, version 1.22.1 by Mike McCauley, a packet radio library for embedded microprocessors.
August 13, 2024
1020 Note - Button.h and Timer.h
For beginners who might be stuck on its simplicity in the use of the Button.h and the Timer.h classes now part of the Numerics Library.
December 5, 2024